Book Recs by Simon MacDonald

Your human goodreads

'Outlive' by Peter Attia

September 6, 2023

I thought this was a pretty good book about getting and staying healthy. Perhaps this is confirmation bias since I’ve been trying to follow these guidelines for approximately half my life. Back when I was 23 my mom died suddenly of a pulmonary embolism. Putting aside the tragedy of her passing away so young, it was a wake-up call for me. I’d just started full-time work after completing a 5-year university degree in which I gained 53 pounds. I don’t think any of it was muscle.

I started working out and eating better to ensure I was around as long as possible for my theoretical future kids. It’s worked out well so far, and I’ve updated my goal to continue playing hockey in my 70’s.

That’s what this book wants you to think about. Not extending your life span, the amount of time in which you are on this planet, but your health span, the amount of time you are able to participate in any activity you normally would.

My one quibble about the book is that the author is “very intense”. If one were to follow all the time working out that he suggests you would need more than 24 hours a day.

4 out of 5 stars