Book Recs by Simon MacDonald

Your human goodreads

'The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires' by Grady Hendrix

May 1, 2023

I’m not a big horror fan, but I was intrigued by the premise of The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires. Set in Charleston, South Carolina, in the early 90s, centring on a book club of suburban moms who read true crime novels. It made the characters relatable as I could substitute the main characters for my Mom and her friends. How would they have dealt with a predator in their midst?

While I enjoyed the book, 3 out of 5 stars, it was challenging. At many points, I wanted to close the book and never open it again, but I was on holiday this past weekend, and it was all I brought with me. Many times I was incredibly frustrated by how obtuse the characters were. I could excuse their stupidity as I thought it was the vampire clouding their judgement, and eventually, it would end up being a plot point later in the novel. It was not.

Not having grown up in America’s deep south, I cannot vouch for how accurate the portrayals of sexism, misogyny, suicide, social inequality, racism, child abuse, domestic abuse, and controlling behaviour are, but I can see how this book could be triggering for some if they thought they were about to read a light horror comedy. I am sure that every last one of the women in the book club should get a divorce.

3 out of 5 stars